“我们很高兴看到我们高性能、高效率的挤出吹塑机在包装行业的需求量稳步增长。”考特斯机械制造有限公司CEO Olaf Weiland博士说道,“过去,我们主要聚焦汽车领域的大型吹塑设备。但最近几年,我们在包装机械的业务也同时获得了相当大的发展。因为这一领域的需求在持续增加,所以我们迫切需要新的厂房。此次工厂扩建能进一步提高产量,这将缩短我们对客户的交货时间。”新的装配车间由公司自有资金建造。
考特斯机械制造除了上述研发以外 ,IntelliGate 模块下游集成的全新解决方案也在全球范围内引起了极大兴趣。“在工业4.0大趋势下,我们的设备可通过数字网络的方式扩展到完整的制造工厂”,Lichtenauer补充道。
通过开发Connext,波恩公司建立了标准化解决方案,不仅确保机器上所有模块可实现压缩空气和电力的供应,而且可进行标准化的数据交换。例如,可通过考特斯现有机器的模块交换,对模块在生产过程中的变化灵活应对。此外,无需多余的电力或压缩空气接头。软件研发团队领头人Achim Trübner解释道:“带有Connext接口的考特斯机器不仅可识别各个模块,而且还可辨别顺序,即使已改变排列布置。”
市场部经理Christian Kirchbaumer深知,IntelliGate模块不仅仅是现代机械设计的装饰辅助配件:“我们调整各下游单元,不是为了机器的外形更加漂亮,而是为了显现出其可视化附加价值。通过Connext接口连接模块可节省时间,提高性能效率。这样我们才能提供真正的竞争优势。”
八十年的开拓创新和客户服务精神使考特斯机械制造成为挤出吹塑成型技术领域的全球领军人。汽车制造商和供应商以及包装行业的企业均是我们的国际客户。这些客户相信我们品牌所具备的专业知识,代表着质量、保障以及面向客户的持续性服务。2016 年,公司凭借德国的 460 名员工和全球其他地区的 170 名员工实现了 1.22 亿欧元的年销售额。除了总部德国波恩,考特斯机械制造公司还在德国柏林、美国、俄罗斯、中国、意大利和印度等地区设置办事处,打造以服务和销售为中心的全球网络。
包装展上的考特斯机械制造——高性能生产,配以全电动机器和工业 4.0 应用
IntelliGate 模块系统
IntelliGate 集成系统的主要组成部分是与新开发接口 Connext 相连的模块。“这样一来,诸如质量检测工艺等下游工序也成为机器的一部分。”考特斯机械制造公司传播和营销团队负责人 Christian Kirchbaumer 如是说。考特斯专家在 KBB 吹塑成型机器中将各个模块协调一致,并通过即插即用的方式进行连接或转换。
自三年前推向市场以来,全电动 KBB 系列的问询度居高不下,凭借体积小、使用方便、低功耗和先进的快换系统等优点独树一帜。可快速高效地实现产品更换。例如拥有先进的挤出吹塑机头,可快速实现颜色转换。最近,该系列又增扩了两个型号,用于生产吹塑罐。
八十年的开拓创新和客户服务精神使考特斯机械制造成为挤出吹塑成型技术领域的全球领军人。汽车制造商和供应商以及包装行业的企业均是我们的国际客户。这些客户相信我们品牌所具备的专业知识,代表着质量、保障以及面向客户的持续性服务。2016 年,公司凭借德国的 470 名员工和全球其他地区的 160 名员工实现了 1.22 亿欧元的年销售额。除了总部德国波恩,考特斯机械制造公司还在德国柏林、美国、俄罗斯、中国、意大利和印度等地区设置办事处,打造以服务和销售为中心的全球网络。
Kautex Maschinenbau – New KCC machine model at Chinaplas 2017
Virtual machine and shuttle service to the shunde plant
Nor would the Kautex exhibition stand be complete without the new generation of virtual machines. With this considerably further-enhanced tool, production processes for various types of machine and application scenarios are simulated and practiced in real time. The virtual machine which is being exhibited will also from now on form part of the client training facilities at the Shunde site. Because Chinaplas is taking place in Guangzhou this year, Kautex will be providing a shuttle service from the trade exhibition to the nearby Kautex plant in Shunde. Various extrusion blow-molders from KCC to KBB can be viewed there at various stages of final assembly, with informative talks from many different experts.
Shunde Kautex has been manufacturing the all-electric KBB production series for the Chinese and South-Asian market since 2016 in a joint development programme with the German factory in Bonn. Machines of this type have set themselves apart with their ease of handling, low energy consumption and quick-change systems. A special feature of the KBB production series is the Intelligate integration system presented for the first time at the K 2016 trade fair. With this efficiency-enhancing industry 4.0 application, Kautex machines can be developed into a self-contained manufacturing plant.
About Kautex Maschinenbau
Eight decades of providing its customers with innovative products and services have turned Kautex Maschinenbau into one of the world's leading companies in extrusion blow molding technology. With customers that include major automobile manufacturers and suppliers, as well as companies working in the packaging industry. All of them have come to rely on the knowledge and experience of a brand that stands for both quality and reliability. With 460 employees in Germany and a further 170 around the world, Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH currently has an annual turnover of €122 million. In addition to its HQ in Bonn, the newly opened Customer Service Center in Berlin and regional offices in the USA, Russia, China, Italy and India, Kautex Maschinenbau operates an extensive global network of service and distribution offices.
“考特斯机械制造很高兴与 Geoffrey Chan 共同打造更高素质的管理团队。”首席执行官 Olaf Weiland 博士如是陈说,“多年以来,我们深知他的敬业精神和团队合作精神。对已有的四人中国管理团队而言,他是我们的完美补充。近年来,我司与中国客户合作的发展态势极好。我们期待更多发展机会。”Weiland 非常重视客户服务领域的发展:“在中国市场上,在挤出吹塑领域方面,考特斯机械制造公司依然是技术和质量的领头羊。若要稳固这一地位并进一步拓展业务,其关键点是与中国客户展开密切合作;增强顺德和上海办事处的实力将有益于扩大这种合作。与此同时,中国、德国和我们国际化管理团队的其他成员间的交流日益密切,从而使整个公司的发展始终满足我们客户的需求。”
位于中国南方的佛山市顺德区考特斯塑料科技有限公司是德国考特斯机械制造有限公司的全资子公司,其于 1995 年成立。目前公司职员约 130 人。考斯特机械制造公司在 2016 年中国国际橡胶塑料展首次展示了 KCC 系列的第三代机型,此后顺德工厂的生产机型由第二代转向第三代。此外,通过与德国波恩工厂的密切合作,自 2016 年全电动 KBB 系列机型在顺德全部完成组装并投放到中国及东南亚市场。公司将在今年的橡塑展推出 KCC10 MK3全新机型。
八十年的开拓创新和客户服务精神使考特斯机械制造成为挤出吹塑成型技术领域的全球领军人。汽车制造商和供应商以及包装行业的企业均是我们的国际客户。这些客户相信我们品牌所具备的专业知识,代表着质量、保障以及面向客户的持续性服务。2016 年,公司凭借德国的 470 名员工和全球其他地区的 160 名员工实现了 1.22 亿欧元的年销售额。除了总部德国波恩,考特斯机械制造公司还在德国柏林、美国、俄罗斯、中国、意大利和印度等地区设置办事处,打造以服务和销售为中心的全球网络。
Kautex Maschinenbau expanding Bonn HQ
Along with this, around 80 modern office workplaces are also being built. The ground breaking ceremony took place on February 15th in the presence of members of staff, Bonn’s mayor Ashok Sridharan and the district mayor Guido Déus.
Kautex CEO Dr. Olaf Weiland hopes that the plant expansion will make production even more efficient and further reduce lead times for customers: “As well as improving the long-term performance and efficiency of our machines, we want to make the same improvements to our production.”
Ideal set-up of Bonn location
Thanks to a successful model lineup and positive market development, the specialist in extrusion blow molding machines finished fiscal 2016 on a high with record sales of EUR 122 million. Weiland sees the sector heading in a positive direction, hence the focus on the company’s Bonn HQ. “Bonn is located in the heart of one of the world’s most important centers for plastics manufacturing. The high density of universities and the presence of specialist research institutes offer excellent development opportunities for our innovation-driven sector,” comments Weiland on the city where the company was founded over 80 years ago. Kautex Maschinenbau has its own technical center in Bonn which is itself one of the world’s largest research and development institutes for plastics machinery.
About Kautex Maschinenbau
Eight decades of providing its customers with innovative products and services have turned Kautex Maschinenbau into one of the world's leading companies in extrusion blow molding technology. With customers that include major automobile manufacturers and suppliers, as well as companies working in the packaging industry. All of them have come to rely on the knowledge and experience of a brand that stands for both quality and reliability. With 460 employees in Germany and a further 170 around the world, Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH currently has an annual turnover of €122 million. In addition to its HQ in Bonn and regional offices in the USA, Russia, China, Italy and India, Kautex operates an extensive network of service and sales offices around the world.
Kautex Maschinenbau – Continued strong growth and extended service offering in Russia
The company is now in the process of expanding its Bonn production location to meet rising demand. From Q3 2017, a new 3,900 m2 assembly hall will primarily be dedicated to assembling KBB packaging machines and KSB suction blow molding machines. Around 80 new office workstations are also being created.
The company is also pressing ahead with the localisation of its services. This plan includes the establishment of a Russian limited liability company in Moscow and a spare parts warehouse in St. Petersburg. This will optimise the supply processes for the Russian market from spring 2017 and ensure that spare parts can be offered in the national currency. All inquiries will be dealt with by Russian speakers.
About Kautex Maschinenbau
Eight decades of providing its customers with innovative products and services have turned Kautex Maschinenbau into one of the world's leading companies in extrusion blow molding technology. With customers that include major automobile manufacturers and suppliers, as well as companies working in the packaging industry. All of them have come to rely on the knowledge and experience of a brand that stands for both quality and reliability. With 460 employees in Germany and a further 170 around the world, Kautex Maschinenbau GmbH currently has an annual turnover of €110 million. In addition to its HQ in Bonn and regional offices in the USA, Russia, China, Italy and India, Kautex operates an extensive network of service and sales offices around the world.