Kautex Maschinenbau System GmbH – the decisive step in your career
Sustainable innovation #madebyKautex thinking meets personal responsibility. At Kautex Maschinenbau System GmbH you will get the opportunity to use your strengths effectively. It is always worth looking at our job offers.
Didn’t you find anything suitable among our job advertisements? In this case we would be delighted to receive a speculative application for jobs related to R&D, production, sales, administration or service.
Find our data protection information for applicants here!
Current job vacancies
Are you looking for a new responsibility with a wide range of development opportunities? As an internationally innovative technology company in the field of extrusion blow molding technology, Kautex Maschinenbau offers a wide range of new job opportunities where you too can fully develop your talents.

HR development
Highly-skilled, diverse, humble, team-oriented and employees with a global mindset are people we are looking for at Kautex today (first who than what). For this reason we offer our staff all the necessary support to develop their individual talents in line with our company vision, philosophy and mission.
Whether through training, individual coaching, or learning on the job, we strive to help you meet your jointly-agreed targets and ensure that you always have opportunities to develop in your career.
We offer you a global and diverse BeOne team with the top 5 philosophy elements of final plastic product focus, Leadership Excellence, Process Excellence and the focus on “first time right” results!

All contacts quick and easy
We are here for you.
Service Hotline
You can reach us by telephone at